Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Shelb has some serious reflux. She must spit up at least half of her food. The doctor says that since she's gaining weight he's not worried about it but we could try gripe water if we want. That was a month ago. I just got some this past weekend and gave some to Shelb Sunday night. She almost choked on it! It's more syrupy than she's used to I guess. And since the other bottles are, um, asleep in the grave we bought her some new fancy shmancy bottles called Dr. Brown's which supposedly reduce the amount of air she takes in. She's still spitting up but we're watching to see if the colic is reduced. At least the gripe water brings up the excess air which seems to help.
Here is a pic of Shelb. She's lying next to my leg as I type this post.


Anonymous said...

she sure does look 'healthy' ;-)

she's is just adorable. i think (?) she looks more like you then sidney.

Anonymous said...

'asleep in the grave?'