Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Its Called Improvisation

Sunday morning we all went to church for a funeral (again). Hubby was asked to video tape so the rest of us tagged along (we're friends of one of the deceased's sons so it wasn't like we were rubbernecking). While we were there wouldn't you know that Shelb did a load. I took her into one of the back rooms to change her only to find that there weren't any diapers left in her bag. I happened to have a safety pin holding part of my skirt together where the button uesd to be and she had a couple of large burp cloths that double as cloth diapers. I wrapped that girl up and covered the pin in case it came loose (plus I had it facing outward so if it popped open it would stick her, only the person holding her if at all). Then I found a plastic bag that had the mini DV tapes that I bought to tape the service, ripped two holes in the bottom, and tied it on to her. I took a pic of the final product but somehow I didn't save it in my phone. :( That was supposed to be my Sunday pic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're the 'mommy MacGuyver'! ;-)