The days leading up to the blessing were so busy. After the blessing we had planned to have a lunch for our family and close friends, so there was a menu to plan, food to buy, a place to secure, cleaning to be done, decorations to pick out, balloons to blow up, wardrobe to decide on and have ready; all of this on top of our regular every day tasks. By Friday evening we were nowhere near finished. Saturday morning my mother still had cleaning to do, we had the decorations to put up, balloons to blow up, and we had to be at church by the latest 11:00 am. We made it there with about 10 minutes to spare which was great cause it gave me a chance to sit and breathe...sort of. Shelby had to be dressed and every few minutes I was looking around for my invited guests - BdaB, some other friends from college, and, of course, Mocha. Most of the people turned up. When it was almost time to go down to the front there were at least 19 of us. I didn't want to be the first to walk in but Shelby was main attraction and I had her so down I went with everyone else following closely behind in single file. The pastor took Shelby and prayed for her and for us after giving the church a little preamble about myself and hubby, then when it was all done we filed back out to the foyer. I had really wanted to stay and hear the sermon but I had to leave - we still had preparations to do if we wanted the room and food to be ready when everyone got there with their empty stomachs. Of course, when I left most of my guests left with me. Hubby had to stay to videotape the rest of the service.
When we got to the place we immediately started blowing up balloons and putting out peanuts. My newfound family was there to help which made things go a lot faster. By the time church was done hubby came home with Shelby and the food was almost ready. We ate, we talked, we laughed, we had a great time. Some friends didn't make it...I was disappointed about that but that's life sometimes.Regardless, overall it was a wonderful day.
Of course, the cake. It was vanilla cake with raspberry filling and whipped topping.
The colors were pink, purple, and white.