Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Shelb has a bum ear

Sidney does this thing where he sits on his bike and then he puts Shelby on the seat with him, seated in front of him. Then he drives her around the house. She loves it. Well, the last time he did that he never took her off of the bike, he just left her up there - stuck. Poor Princess couldn't get down. I didn't even realize what was going on. I looked at her and continued what I was doing. (Bad mommy!) Next thing we heard was a crash and a scream and then crying. Shelby was trying to get down by herself but the bike fell down with her all tangled in it. She said her knee hurt but later I noticed that half of her right ear was bruised. That was Sunday. It's still bruised but getting better. If you say anything to her about her ear she'll respond with, "Fall off the bike?" Aww. Send her kisses when you can. She's worth it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

poor shelby! lot's of kisses sent her way!